Circular economy project´s closing conference, which was held in Komárno, on 29.may 2019.
Students adopt very quickly to the principles of circular economy and they understand the wider context.
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Institute of Circular Economy has started the first educational activities in schools. The first schools involved in the project are: Secondary School of Electrical Engineering, Karola Adlera 5, Bratislava and Grammar School, Senecká 2, Pezinok
The Regional Development Agency Komárno, Institute of Circular Economy and The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Rába – Duna – Vág, are the three organizations that joined together in the common educational project „Circle of Circular Economy”.
Meeting of partners took place in Dunajská Streda. Together we discussed on the introduction to the project and we agreed the procedure of individual steps.
The project “Circle of Circular Economy” starts. We begin with methodological preparation for educational activities.
INCIEN continues in educational activities. In the project are being involved next schools. Their complete list, information on school and photo documentation may be found in the section of involved schools and attached links.